Paper Submission
Paper Submission
Camera-ready Submission
Camera-ready Submission
Acceptance Notification
Acceptance Notification
Author registration
Author registration
Instructions for authors
The official language of ISAECT2022 is English.
Authors should submit a paper (3 to 6 pages length) describing their original unpublished work in the topics related to the symposium.
ISAECT2022 requieres the usage of the IEEE templates in Microsoft Word (US Letter) and LaTeX format that can be found:
- MS Word Template (IEEE) : Download MS Word Template
- Latex Template (IEEE) : Download Latex Template
Authors are invited to submit their papers in PDF format only by using the submission interface of the Symposium (EasyChair), December 31, 2022 at the latest.
For uploading their papers, authors must create an account on the submission interface of the Symposium after which they will receive an ID and a password for every submitted paper .
The evaluation process will take place as follows:
– Authors submit their paper (3 to 6 pages length) and upload it to the submission interface of the Symposium (easychair platform).
– The paper will be reviewed by 3 independent reviewers, who checke rigorously the scientific content, template conformity and for plagiarism. Authors receive reviewer’s comments and have to answer all the reviewers’ observations and comments.
Authors who receive final acceptance, after paper revision, register for the Symposium attendance. Accepted papers must be presented at the conference (an author could present maximum two papers).
When submitting your paper to ISAECT2022 , authors ( and co-authors) assure to dispose of the exclusive copyright in the submitted paper, and confirm that they are the sole authors of the their papers.
The ISAECT2021 technical program committee reserves the right to exclude a paper from distribution after the symposium, if the paper is not presented by the author at this event.
Accepted papers for the Symposium will be presented either as oral or poster presentations:
- Oral presentation (NOT for ONLINE Presentation):
- The duration for the oral presentation of one paper is 10 minutes, followed by a 5 minutes discussion period. The author provides his presentation file in PowerPoint before the beginning of the session and he is asked to be in the room at least 10 minutes before the start of the session to report to the chairperson. An LCD projector and a computer will be available in the presentation room.
Anti-plagiarism policy
Submitted papers must be original and dont overlap with papers that have been published or that are simultaneously submitted to other journals or conferences. The plagiarism report performed by should not show more than 19% overlapping without references.